Tuesday, March 1, 2016

20 time first blog post

let nature be and live? or change and die?

20 time is the process of spending 20% of your time in the classroom to focus on a topic of your choice, as long as it focuses on biology and benefits the class. The idea of 20 time originated from google, when they began allowing their employees to use 20% of their time at work doing whatever they want, as long as it benefits the company. My 20 time project is on the effects of channelization to the environment, and how it affects it. The question being asked is should channelization be allowed, and can we come up with a compromise that doesn't hurt the environment? I chose this topic to be my 20 time project because i care a lot about the environment, and the animals that live within it. It occurred to me that by channelizing the rivers and streams in this area, we kill many local species of plants and by doing that, we also kill whatever eats those plants. Not only does channelization hurt the local plant life that would be living on the riverside, but channelization can cause bad erosion further down stream. My goals for this project are to come up with a new way to get the safe effects of channelizing streams and rivers without harming the local wildlife, and causing serious erosion. I will measure my project by writing a blog ever two weeks to give an overview on how it is going, and moving forward I will wright a letter to the governor and other organizations stating my idea, and what can be done to help the cause.

1 comment:

  1. Right on dude! I think its good that someone in this area actually cares about the environment. It is really unfortunate how people can cause so much destruction to the environment, and not even feel sad about what they've done. Keep us posted if you can contact anyone about this issue!
