Thursday, February 25, 2016

unit 7 reflection

Unit 7 was all about ecology and the environment. A large part of this unit was about how we are affecting the environment in a bad way. We not only watched vodcasts and did activities demonstrating how the environment works, but we also talked about how plastic and other human made products are ruining this environment. The plastics and materials we use everyday send toxins and other harmful chemicals into the air. We watched two movies that really highlighted this idea. The first was "bag it", it highlighted the idea on how plastic in general is harming the world. plastic cant be dissolved or truly thrown away forever; it just sits in our oceans and on our streets. I'd like to learn more about not only the environment, but the animals that live in the environment. I'd like to explore the different traits of the animals that live in each niche. During this unit, we also did a project called the " conservation project". In this project, the purpose was to choose a certain habitat in the world and focus on how to help that local climate and niche prosper better. we worked very well in a group together, and found ways to share the work evenly. Our project was on the Citarum river, and how all of the trash that littered the banks need to be cleaned up.  This unit went very well for us, and flew by like a breeze.

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