Sunday, March 20, 2016

Geologic timeline individual reflection

The earth has gone through so many phases and stages. Some major events in earths history are the big bang theory, the extinction of the dinosaurs' and the Proterozoic eon, the largest period in the earths history timeline. The bib bang was probably the most important time in history because from this the moon was formed. if the moon wasn't formed then the earth wouldn't b able to function how it does. The extinction of the Jurassic period was in my book a big historical event. Everyone knows about the dinosaurs and knows how they were killed by an asteroid that collided into the earth. Finally the Proterozoic eon was very important because it was the longest period in the worlds history! While exploring the earths history I was surprised to see how the continents moved drastically and how many extinctions there were. After each major period in earths history, there was an extinction of the population. During our time on earth we have affected the climate so drastically from population to the destruction of forests and habitat for other animals. I believe that if we keep up with our habits, then the world will soon become a wasteland, and we will no longer be able to live within its atmosphere safely. We humans need to figure out permanent ways to help decline the amount of pollution and destruction of the land. The only question I have is what can we do to help save our world?

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