Friday, March 11, 2016

Hunger Games Final Analysis

1. In the hunger games lab, we the class separated evenly into 3 groups, the stumpys, the knucklers and the pinchers. These three groups acted as subspecies of an over all population. The point of this lab was to show how natural selection and evolution work. The 3 different groups would hunt for food and then tally it to see how many offspring each person would have. Those people from the group with the best adaptions would survive.

2. Pinchers had the best phenotype for capturing food because they could use two hands, they had a large mouth size and they could pick up food the quickest.

3. yes. The overall population did evolve. Before the battle for survival began there was a total population of 21 individuals, but as the years went on the population began to decrease to a low of 13 individuals. The years that followed that the population size was able to reach a stable population of 18 individuals.

4. Some random affects in this lab were where and how the food was scattered. The food wasn't always put where it would be easiest to get. The non random parts of this lab were the type of food we were getting and the number of individuals in each group.

5. If the food was bigger or smaller the outcome of this lab would be most definitely different. If the food was larger it would be a lot harder for the knucklers to pick it up and gather food, but the stumpys would have an easy time grabbing the bigger pieces of food. If the food was small both the knucklers and pinchers would thrive while the stumpys would die.

6. yes. If there was not incomplete dominance, then the outcome of this lab would be different. If no single group had an advantage over the others, then all groups would have a similar number of babies and the population would stay steady.

7. Natural selection is the backbone of Evolution. When natural selection begins to knock out the bad alleles and traits of a species, then the species begins to evolve.

8. Some individuals or groups would "cheat" in this lab. They would collect food using a different method in order to survive. By doing this, the allele frequency would change because the population with the cheaters would grow. The alleles from the winners would be passed on.

9. The species as a whole evolves in evolution. In evolution both the genotype and the phenotype change, to better give that species an advantage to survive.

10. none

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