Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3rd Blog Post

The last 3 weeks of working on my 20 time project went great! I was able to better further my interest and gain more information about channelization. I have finaly come up with a solution to fix the problem of channelization. I propose that we as people can eliminate all concrete channelization from local streams of rivers and then plant native plants in their place, so the river can take control and make its own path. Slowly but surely, overtime the rivers and streams will be good as new. I learned more about how channelization is affecting the animal populations because it is destroying their habitat, and I also began to see how I am good at thinking through problems and coming up with solutions, especially involving animals or the environment. I had no major setbacks during these 3 weeks. I felt I worked quite efficiently and finish what I set out to do by 3 weeks. I will now create a diagram or repusentation to show the class how channelization affects the environment, then pitch my idea and see how they react. I can use these learning methods in class to help me better come up with solutions to problems.

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