Wednesday, October 21, 2015

                                                              Unit 3 Analysis

Unit 3 was all about cells. It went over the basic make up of cells, how cells work and how they reproduce. This unit had lots of information on processes that occur in cells, such as diffusion and photosynthesis. There were sections in this unit that i understood and could easily demonstrate such as the basic make up of a cell, and the difference between plant and animal cells. Although i did understand the basics, i had a few set backs. I had a hard time understanding the ideas of photosynthesis, diffusion and other chemical reactions. To better understand these ideas, i could come in during tutorial and review, or simply watch move videos on the internet that explain the topics. I learned how our bodies work, and what our cells do to work in harmony. This unit helped me to better understand how things are made and composed of cells. I would like to go over the different chemical reactions that occur in cells again. It would better help me to become a smarter student. I have no real questions or concerns about this unit. For the upcoming test, i plan to interactively review my notes and create a quizlet to help me better understand the content.

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