Wednesday, October 7, 2015

                                                         Egg Diffusion Lab Analysis

In this lab we tried to demonstrate how cells grow or shrink in a given habitat. We did this by using an egg and its similar characteristics to demonstrate how diffusion works. If the inside of a cell doesn't match with its surrounding environment, then the membrane of the cell will let in or let out water to be even with the environment, through diffusion. According to our data, when the egg was exposed to water with a low concentration of sugar, the eggs circumference and mass grew because the membrane allowed more water to come into the egg. When the egg was placed into a solution of high concentration, the eggs circumference and mass decreased. The eggs membrane wouldn't allow the solute outside the egg to enter, but would allow the water within the egg to exit and create an even concentration of water to sugar both in and outside the egg. Like i have described before, the egg wants the solution within it to match the concentration of the solution on the outside of it, so it will absorb or discard certain amounts of its water. This lab helps demonstrate the biological principles of diffusion and osmosis, by giving good examples of how the egg released or absorbed water to even out with its surroundings. The idea given by this lab is always seen in real life. We see diffusion when we are in snowy areas and notice that there is salt on the road to thaw the ice. The plants along the road are all shriveled up because of diffusion. There is more salt outside the cells than there is in the cells, so the cells release water to better match their outside environments. We also see diffusion and osmosis in super markets. When there is fruit out in the son, there is water put on them. this is done to keep the fruit from diffusing and releasing their liquids. The plants will most likely absorb some of the water. This experiment gets me wondering, if we just put the yolk of an egg in the solutions of vinegar, sugar and water, what would happen? I would conduct this experiment to better further my knowledge of how cells work.

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