Friday, October 9, 2015

                               inquiry hour 1.2 Are we alone in the universe?

This paragraph stuck out to me because i have always wondered if there was other life within space itself. We live on a planet, so how come there cant be other living organisms on another planet?

Hypothesis: If we are able to live and prosper on our planet, then there should be conditions on another planet somewhere to sustain living organisms and possibly aliens.

My 20 Questions

Question: how will we ever know if we cant go super far into space?

Question: is it possible that there are other living beings on another planet?

Question: did we evolve? or exist?

Question: why do we cry?

Question: why are opposite sexes attracted?

Question: how do our brains think?

Question: can we ever clone people?

Question: what happens during fertilization to make a boy or girl?

Question: how do drugs addict people?

Question: why do we cry?

Question: could we ever time travel?

Question: it time endless?

Question: will the sun run out of energy?

Question: will meteors kill all of man kind like the dinosaurs?

Question: how do we speak?

Question: why do we have armpit hair?

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