Friday, October 2, 2015

                                                       Egg Cell Macromolecules Lab

The purpose of this experiment was to find out what macromolecules were in what areas of the egg or "cell". The claim is that the lipids and trysachorides are found in the membrane, the monosacharides are found in the yolk and the disacharides are found within the egg white or "cytoplasm". Our data shows that the monosachrides where most common in the egg yolk. The data also demonstrates that the poly sachrides were mostly in the egg membrane an in the egg yolk. Lastly tour data shows that the lipids were mostly found within the egg membrane, and the proteins were mostly found in the egg yolk.
        Although our data was sufficient and we accomplished what we set out to do, our experiment wasn't perfect; we made some mistakes. During the experiment at the begging when we had to cut the egg and separate the different parts, the yolk and egg white accidentally became combined and i had to separate the the yolk out. Next time i would take longer with separating the egg and make sure that nothing gets mixed together. Another problem we had during this lab was insufficient time in the hot water. I would make sure that all the tubes were put in at the same time, and timed with a stopwatch.
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         We did this lab to better understand the macromolecules and how they come into play, and their roles in a cell. We learned that each macromolecule has a different role in a cell, and what each one does. The information learned in this lab could further help me to understand macromolecules. I will be able to use what i have learned in this lab in future labs.

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