Friday, January 15, 2016

recombinant DNA lab

In the recombinant DNA lab, the antibiotics we used Bam HI, Hpa II and Xma I. Our plasmid had antibiotic genes to Tetracycline. I would not use any of the other 6 antibiotics because their nucleotides don't match up. Restriction enzymes are enzymes that are able to code a short specific nucleotide sequence in DNA. The function of restriction enzymes is to cut the backbones of the molecules at that sequence. We used Xma I because it cut the DNA sequence closest to the insulin gene site. If you use a restricted enzyme to cut it in two places, you wouldn't be able to have recombinant DNA. This is important to everyday life because it helps give people with diabetes the chance to live a regular life by helping to create insulin for their bodies. Antibiotics could also be used to help strep throat and cure infections by giving your body good bacteria.

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