Friday, January 8, 2016

Mammoth Cloning: Extra Credit

This article was about mammoth cloning. In 2013 on Maly Lyakhovsky island in Serbia a mammoth carcass was found. Scientists realized it had blood in it when they were dissecting it and a redish brown liquid came oozing out. They realized that they could clone it if they used an Asian elephant as the surrogate to give birth to the fetus mammoth. The problem is that Asian elephants are becoming extinct, so if they clone mammoths, then more Asian elephants will die. Both other articles also agree that the ends do not justify the means. The fact that multiple Asian elephants could die during the process of recreating a mammoth turns most scientists away from the idea of cloning.


  • scientists could better understand the woolly mammoth.
  • the ecosystem in the arctic could be changed for the good.

Risk of this technology:

  • More Asian elephants will die. 
  • The mammoth will most likely die because it doesnt have proper care.
  • Different species will mate and create different                 

I personally believe that we should not clone mammoths for multiple reasons, but the most important is the health of the Asian elephant. Its more important to keep what we have healthy and prosperous, then it is to bring something to life that shouldn't exist and kill off our endangered species.

Works cited:



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