Friday, May 27, 2016

pig dissection review

This lab went very well. The process of dissecting the pig was fun, but also a bit nasty at times. My team and i worked very well for the most-part, except constant rudeness and emotional break outs by one of the members of our team. Despite that inconvenience, we were able to come back together as a team and finish the dissection with time to spare. we took time to look at the sheet and locate each organ and vein in the body. After multiple times of going over the pig and where the different organs are, we filmed the final product which is in the URL below. This was a great experiment that will help me in the future to better understand animals and how they work, as i pursue a zoology career.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

20 time overview reflection

My 20 time project on channelization went great. i flew through all class sessions and knew what i needed to get accomplished. i have a good google slides explaining my idea along with pictures, and i am in the process of making a replica of what i am talking about. Choosing this topic was a big challenge to me because it was something i didn't know much about, and wasn't originally what i planned to do the project on. I learned while working on this project, that it did affect one of my strongest passions. Learning about the effects channelization could have on native wildlife really created a passion within me that i was happy to let out. I chose this challenge with the goal that i would find a way to have the benefits of channelization, but so that it was less threatening to the animals! i was able to better my skills and help myself by learning to use google slides, and practicing public speaking in front of the class. The process of achieving my goal went very well, and i was able to get my point across in a realistic way. This project was a success! i can recall a single problem i ran into during the process. The only problem i had was the lack of focus during a few of the 20 time days, when i wouldn't be able to gather my mind. if i had a chance to do this project again i wouldn't change a single thing, except incorporate animals into the process more and make it less about channelization. My next step is to perform this project in front of the class and pass on my knowledge to my classmates. I can also carry this information into my future and learn about knew ways to keep animals safe.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Unit 9 Reflection

Unit 9 the unit of evolution and change was one of my favorite units. In this unit we discovered the relationship between all animals, found common ancestors and learned about how different species evolved. we better furthered our knowledge on invertebrates, chordates and fish. 

This unit began with a mini dissection of a flower, to see how it reproduces and how it has evolved. We also did a lab, where we looked at different species of animals from fish to crabs. We had to look at and understand the differences between the species, and the jobs they do. My passion is animals or nature, so this unit was right up my alley. It was easy for me to understand the different characteristics and know the difference between different species. 

Later on in this unit after we learned the basics, we were all assigned an organism to research. This project was called "What On Earth Evolved" and we needed to teach the class about our organism and explain how it has changed and evolved. I did my presentation on the honey bee and was easily able to talk and explain it to the class. 

This unit has taught me a lot that i can use on future tests and in future labs. This information will stick with me forever, while i purse a degree in zoology and move on to work with all different species of animals. From invertebrates to insects, it can be explained how we are all related. 

google slides presentation "what on earth evolved"

Friday, April 29, 2016

inner fish relate and review

After watching "Your Inner Fish" i began to better understand the connection between us and all other life forms. Not only did we watch that, but we also watched "Your Inner Reptile". These videos explained to me how all living things have connections. Whether its a fish, or a reptile, there are traces of ancestry and things that relate us to them. In embryo form, all living organisms look almost identical, with only minor characteristics to tell us apart.  Over millions of years they claimed, that we formed from the organisms. We are related to fish and reptiles the film said, and the way we form and the different bones in our body are related. These movie relate to the last unit we learned about, and how evolution has changed different species to help them adapt to better survive in this world. We can tie the film into the same category or unit because it helps teach us about how we were all embryos and basically the same, but evolution has changed each species and created differences between us. I can also now use what i learned in this video for the future units. I will be able to know how we all formed and that we all have a common ancestor. The information that i have absorbed from this film should also help me on the upcoming test that has information on evolution and adaption.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Invertebrates: The Cuddle fish

The Cuddle Fish or Sepiida! I'm doing my blog post on the cuddle fish because its a very unique invertebrate with many different features that are appealing to my interests. The cuddle fish is a species closely related to the squid and octopus families, in the Molluska invertebrate group. They have long stretched out bodies and a series of tentacles around their mouths. My favorite adaption that the cuddle fish has adapted is its ability to change color. The skin of the fish will change or often flash color pigments rapidly during fighting to scare off the contestant, or during mating to attract a member of the opposite sex. Just like their relatives, the cuddle fish contains a small sack witch it uses to discrete an inky liquid in times of danger to allow the fish a moment to flee from the scene. The cuddle fish comes in many different sizes, from just 15 Cm to sometimes half a meter in length! It is a real excitement to watch this cuddle fish eat its food. They are primarily carnivores, feeding on crabs, other crustaceans and sometimes small fish. They cuddle fish grabs the prey item in its tentacles and bites down on it using a hard beak that is hidden within. Cuddle fish are known all over the world and are known to live in any type of environment, from shallow warm tropics to cold deep ocean floors this animal thrives. This really is a magnificent invertebrate that still finds ways to shock the world and amaze scientists. Below are some pictures of cuddle fish and a chart helping better describe this animal and give a better idea of what the cuddle fish really is.

Pictures of Cuttlefish

Cuttlefish Facts

Common Name:Cuttlefish
Scientific Name:Sepiida
Size (L):15cm - 50cm (5.9in - 20in)
Weight:3kg - 10.5kg (6.6lbs - 23lbs)
Number of Species:120
Average Lifespan:1 - 3 years
Conservation Status:Threatened
Colour:Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, White
Skin Type:Smooth
Favourite Food:Crab
Habitat:Coastal and deeper waters
Average Litter Size:200
Main Prey:Crab, Shrimp, Fish
Predators:Fish, Sharks, Cuttlefish
Distinctive Features:Long body shape and large eyes

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3rd Blog Post

The last 3 weeks of working on my 20 time project went great! I was able to better further my interest and gain more information about channelization. I have finaly come up with a solution to fix the problem of channelization. I propose that we as people can eliminate all concrete channelization from local streams of rivers and then plant native plants in their place, so the river can take control and make its own path. Slowly but surely, overtime the rivers and streams will be good as new. I learned more about how channelization is affecting the animal populations because it is destroying their habitat, and I also began to see how I am good at thinking through problems and coming up with solutions, especially involving animals or the environment. I had no major setbacks during these 3 weeks. I felt I worked quite efficiently and finish what I set out to do by 3 weeks. I will now create a diagram or repusentation to show the class how channelization affects the environment, then pitch my idea and see how they react. I can use these learning methods in class to help me better come up with solutions to problems.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Unit 8 Reflection

Unit 8 was all about change, and how organisms and the world have changed. We started off this unit with multiple vodcasts to get our minds wrapped around the idea of change over time and natural selection. We then did two labs to demon strait natural selection, and how only the species willing to change and adapt will survive. The first lab we did was the "bird beak lab"; in this lab each group member was given a utensil to use as a "bird beak". We all had a certain amount of time to pick up as much food as we can with the beaks, and get a good idea of how natural selection can really affect a population. The second lab that we did as a class was the "Hunger Games Lab". This lab had the same idea as the other lab; to teach us more about natural selection and change over time. Both these labs demonstrated to us the importance of natural selection. I can use the information that i have learned today in the future because i look forward to having a job that includes working with exotic animals. By knowing how these things work, i will better understand how they have changed overtime, and what contributed to their change. This unit was very informing and helped better further my knowledge.