Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Unit 9 Reflection

Unit 9 the unit of evolution and change was one of my favorite units. In this unit we discovered the relationship between all animals, found common ancestors and learned about how different species evolved. we better furthered our knowledge on invertebrates, chordates and fish. 

This unit began with a mini dissection of a flower, to see how it reproduces and how it has evolved. We also did a lab, where we looked at different species of animals from fish to crabs. We had to look at and understand the differences between the species, and the jobs they do. My passion is animals or nature, so this unit was right up my alley. It was easy for me to understand the different characteristics and know the difference between different species. 

Later on in this unit after we learned the basics, we were all assigned an organism to research. This project was called "What On Earth Evolved" and we needed to teach the class about our organism and explain how it has changed and evolved. I did my presentation on the honey bee and was easily able to talk and explain it to the class. 

This unit has taught me a lot that i can use on future tests and in future labs. This information will stick with me forever, while i purse a degree in zoology and move on to work with all different species of animals. From invertebrates to insects, it can be explained how we are all related. 

google slides presentation "what on earth evolved"

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