Monday, September 14, 2015

                                                          sweetness lab conclusion

I believe that monosaccharides are sweeter than both disaccharides and polysaccharides. my data clearly shows the difference in sweetness between the different saccharides. my data also demon straits how monosaccharides are indeed sweeter than the others. carbohydrate shape may affect how the different sugars are used in organisms because some cells and jobs in the human or plant anatomy may call for a certain size or shape of sugar. Although my data is solid, others may have not got the same answers. we all had the same order of sweetest to blandest but wrote the % of how sweet we thought it was differently. None of us have the same taste buds, or ate the same amount of sugar witch could affect how we each perceived the different tastes. we taste the sweet or bitter of the different sugars by the many taste detecting cells in our mouth. The sugar follows the pathways on your tongue or reaches the spot where the sugar detecting taste buds are, sending a signal to the brain saying sweet. Do to the difference in our taste buds we all taste foods a little bit differently. 
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