Friday, September 18, 2015


                                                    Cheese Lab Analysis

In this experiment we learned to make cheese, and how the enzymes in cheese work. We also learned how rennin mixed with enzymes break apart the proteins in milk to create cheese. If i was to give someone tips on how to make cheese in as little time as possible, i would tell them to use chymosin as their curdling agent, have the PH level as acidic and have the agent in a hot temperature. This is the fastest and most efficient way to make cheese as our experiment depicts. Although our data is accurate, nothing is perfect. The class as a whole made some minor mistakes during this experiment. The biggest of these errors was the fact that our hot temperature was not actually hot enough to get sufficient and accurate data. If we could do this experiment again and fix one thing we did wrong, we should make sure that all our control, cold temp and hot temp are at the exact temperature in which they should be. overall this experiment went well. As a whole our data was sufficient, and gave us data that would help us come to the conclusion that chymosin, an acidic PH level and a high temp are best for making cheese fast.

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