Wednesday, December 9, 2015

protein synthesis lab

All organisms need protein to live and for the body to work. proteins are made through a very complicated process. First, DNA gets copied into RNA (temporary copy). The mRNA then leaves the nucleus, and snakes out into the cytoplasm. The mRNA then goes to the ribosomes, the ribosomes read groups of 3 different bases. The DNA Polymerase then goes around determining the proper amino acid for the codon. When the process is finished, it winds up and becomes a protein.

Mutations are changes in the arrangement of DNA or RNA. They are like flaws in foods or toys, sometimes there are random mess-ups in how they are created. The three main types of mutations are insertion, deletion, and substitution. Substitution is the least effective mutation because it only affects one sequence. Deletion and insertion can cause huge problems with the protein, especially if they are at the start of the RNA or DNA strands.

 I chose substitution as my mutation not only because it is the least damaging, but because I knew that it wouldn't have a big affect on the DNA strand. It only changed one sequence, and it wouldn't make a difference wherever the mutation was placed.

Proteins are important to all living organisms or plants, so it is very bad to have any mutations. There are mutations that can stop blood in your body from clotting very easily and there are mutations that make it hard for your blood to get oxygen and for hemoglobin to form. These mutations can be very dangerous because if you have a mutation for hemophilia , then bruises can be a very bad thing because if you cant stop the bleeding in your body, you could bleed out and die.

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