Tuesday, November 24, 2015

                                                                Unit 4 Reflection

Why is sex so great? This unit was all about sex and how reproduction works. We learned about autosomes, chromosomes, different types of inheritance, meiosis, ect. This unit helped us to understand that sex is more than just a physical action. sex is life. Without the distribution of sperm to eggs, and the inheritance of chromosomes, we wouldn't be alive today. This unit was interesting, but not always easy. I had some weaknesses and some setbacks such as understanding the meaning of certain terms like homologous, heterogeneous and autosomal inheritance. Although there were things i didn't understand, i was good at understanding the process of meiosis and how reproduction occurs. During this unit and doing the inforgaphic, i learned a lot about gametes and how they combine to form an autotroph. I now better understand how genes and the splitting of genes can be randomly chosen and affect the overall individual it creates. I learned that sex is more than just a physical affair, it is the start of the huge process of reproduction. I can take this knowledge and apply it in future experiments and help explain reproduction to others who don't understand. Another great thing i learned how to do was create an infographic. Now if i need to easily explain something through pictures and text, i know how to use piktochart. This skill i can use in all of my classes for just about anything. As of now i am a better student than i was at the beginning of this unit because of all of the activities that helped better further my knowledge. I am a visual (6) and kinesthetic (12) learner. I like to see diagrams and have ideas shown to me by demonstration. I expected to see that i was a visual and kinesthetic learner because i have never liked being lectured to, or being told to read directions. It is very easy for me to use my strengths to my advantage when studying for tests by making graphs, diagrams and having another person quiz me. I'll focus on these techniques for the next test and most likely get a good grade because of it.

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